Max and the Ducks - Wet Pillow


Wet Pillow, music video of Max and the Ducks. Music: Niina Maria Kemppainen, Veli Eronen, Marcos Kuusjärvi. Lyrics: Marcos Kuusjärvi. Musicians with Ducks: Veikko Nyberg, Aarno Yliselä, Sammy Roiha. Mixed and mastered: Sammy Roiha. Cover art work: Ari Kivi, original photo by Veli Eronen. Video directed and screenplay by: Jaana Monto. Cameraman and edit: Jirkka Jurvanen. Released by: Max Duck Records Oy. Release date 23.11.2016. This song is dedicated to everyone searching for love...

Max and the Ducks, pop
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